Retrigger ADSR on a mono synth


Hi , is here a chance that the ADSR retrigger if i play a new note ??
If the Release is long and a play a new note , the ADSR doesn't start from the 0 in attack pase.


The "gate2" outlet on midi/in/keyb retriggers on legato notes, while the "gate" outlet does not.
Still that does not make an ADSR start from zero, but it makes an attack from the last level. I thought this is the most desirable behavior, no?


On G2 the envelopes has option to choose either if you like to start from zero or not. I havent really tested in which scenarios which mode is the preferred. But I am guessing if you want drums etc. to be really tight it is best that is starts from zero(for example a kick drum where you use the envelope to modulate the pitch. I think it will be more consistent if it starts from zero). I am not 100% sure about this cause I havent tested it, but it makes sense :smile:

Ill do a test on g2 when I open studio computer again.


Hello Johannes , yes the pickup mode ... better there is a retigger mode too . Starts each note from ADSR Value A=0.
Pichup mode is not bad , but in some cases synths need also a retrigger mode.
Specially it is uesd for Mono synths.
Maybe an option for the next update .


Not really. If I wanna have a pad or string sound with a long attack and release time. And then i play a chord and leave my hands from the keys to play the next chord, the chord should start from zero not from the last level I think.
In my opinion it would be cool, if the ADSR has a reset input like the LFO Saw and LFO Sqr Object.

Also if I wanna modulate the filter cutoff with the envelope to get a filter sweep from a low cutoff frequency to a high cutoff frequency and play a chord and in the middle i wanna play the next chord, then the filter sweep should start from the low frequency not from the middle because then a playable filter sweep makes no sense.


I think it doesn't matter if a play a mono synth or a polyphonic synth. A reset for the ADSR would be nice.


ok, filed an issue to keep track


Hi Mario , habe es endlich auch mal ausprobiert .
Hast recht , Retrigger wäre schön .


Please keep discussions in English on this forum.
It's also not my mother tongue. Spelling and grammar errors are tolerated!


Translation : Hi Mario you are right , retrigger was a good option