Remap object hint?


i have an axis-49 usb controller, and i wanted to remap the keys, to use another layout. the axis has a selfless mode, where it just outputs a number for every key. i first "rewrote" one of the midi/in/keyb zone objects and it works perfectly. i then thought, it would be much easier to just write a small remap object and tried to modify the smooth object. but axoloti locks up everytime i hit a note. i get a control transfer failed: -1 error. can somebody have a look at the object(note that i am not a programmer)

two attachments, first the keyb version that works, then the remap object that does not.

EDIT: actually the keyboard version has issues as well. see next post for a working implementation.


keyb zone remapaxis.axo (2.9 KB)

remap.axo (1.1 KB)


you need to scale the inlet down, its going out of bounds
its in Q27 format, so you need to shift it.

the reason the keyboard works, is you are using the midi data, which is an int at that point.
note: you should probably still be doing bounds checking though, as midi goes 0-127


perfect!! here is the finished version, thanks!! this now also "conforms" to 0-127...just in case. (dirty but expandable for other mappings like this)

remapaxis.axo (1.2 KB)


cool.. what are you actually mapping from/to?

for the push I did pretty much the same thing, so that I could map different scales.
and so I could change scales i 'calculate' the mapping 'real time', i.e. as an algorithm.
you can see this in:

its usually is mainly in, axo_push_scale.c/h and axo_push_play.c - PushHandlePlayNote().

much of the other code, is to do with scale/tonic selection, and lighting the pads up... as you can have it either in scale mode, or just light the scale/tonic up on a chromatic scale. (as you can when using the Push with ableton :slight_smile: )


i remap the selfless midi mode from the c-thru music axis-49 controller to wicky haydn note mapping. so i just remap the pitches to a different pitch layout. my object sits between a note-out and for example an oscillator.

here is some more info, they are no longer in production:

it's nice because it has 98 keys on an incredible small footprint and with the wicky haydn layout, i get the whole range of a piano easily...

nice, to calculate with an algorithm in realtime! for the selfless axis mode, this would be much work though, since they keys are just outputting midi notes from 0 to 97, no "logical" musical pattern. it would be nice to have an object though, that can read a table with 128 values and uses this to remap...


Im familiar with the axis-49, I considered getting one at a certain moment in time ... but then realised I really do have enough controllers :wink:

no thats not true... its like the push, selfless mode runs a linear set of keys, so its easy to calculate scales/layouts

IIRC, from doing this on the eigenharp, to create the wicky haydn layout, you need to view the axis as a grid, with each row as an offset (of a 5th?) ...

so what we do on the eigenharp we have 2 levels of mapping.... (not a good word, but it'll do) , the first is physical mapping to logical mapping... this takes the linear keys layout (basically same as the axis-49) and converts it into rows and columns, then for each row we can define an offset.

so a chromatic musical mapping is Note = row# (* number of keys in a row + offset) + column# patching
THEN, we apply a musical scale over this... this also takes into account tonic.

(ok, without check my code this might not be entirely accurate, but it gives you the idea)

whats nice about this, is you can play with different layouts, e.g. with 3rds/4ths/ 5ths/octaves and you can also either use chromatically or play in key.

( I dont think i did the layout options on the Push, but once I get it working with the Push 2, I will be adding it, its a really useful thing)

there has been a huge amount of discussion (some quite vigorous) on the eigenharp forums about layouts, and all the possible options (because its completely configurable), someone even did a 'study' of a few , thats pretty interesting here
Note: the Eigenharp is a grid, but this is not really different to the Axis49, its just the axis has its grids columns offset physical. (which is cool for certain layouts)

(I did quite alot of the above, when messing about with a 'layout creator' for the eigenharp, so realised then, its relatively easy to come up with quite a few variations, with very a few parameters e.g. row offsets, tonics, scales, horz vs vertical, key offset)

anyway, just an interesting thought....

btw @keyman has a Axis-49 (as well as Eigenharps, and Axolotis ) , so he can 'relate' to this... he might also be interested in using the axoloti to remap the Axis-49 in different ways,


ah ok, will have to look at your code again then :slight_smile:


Thanks @thetechnobear for the heads up :wink:

Oh, layouts... yep on the Eigenharps, even on the Haken Continuum its great to have!

@lokki object works great !! (just did a quick test/patch)

Now i will have to take out the note stickers :wink:
(my adventures with the 0Coast; oh not "selling anything - Axoloti will follow next, promise!)


haha, i rearranged the keys on mine, easy enough and helps a lot! i had to paint some blue ones black...