Proce55ing + Axoloti



In fact it's just using the Axoloti's midi out, but fun to add a visual part. Or to use Processing as XY-controller, etc.
Processing uses the MidiBus library (install from Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library... -> 'The MidiBus')

A simple etch-a-sketch type implementation using 2 pots on the Axoloti, sent over midi cc, and receiving midi thru from Processing.

... but now having this problem


Does this problem happen ONLY when you use Processing and MidiBus library?


No, the problem with my Axoloti has nothing to do with Processing.
It also did midi/out well until I used the loadbang object one time. Since then it always disconnects (after a while or going out the live mode) when there's midi/out in the patch, also without the loadbang object. Flash rescue didn't help.

EDIT: It appears to be solved with Axoloti 2.0.0 :slight_smile: