Possible to have pwm only on PA0?


does anyone know how to have pwm out (to power leds) only on Pin PA0?
it exists only together with Pins PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3 as the object gpio/out/**pwm t5**. but when i use that object, i cannot use the Pins PA1, PA2, PA3 anymore to read potis, which i have connected to them.
does someone maybe have an additional object to do that?


Hi @Fib, have you solved this. I am having the same issue.


I have stumbled across this trouble. It's possible and rather easy to modify one existing object (for an example gpio/out/pwm t5) to only output pwm on one pin (here pb0).
If I remember well, it is as easy as erasing the line of code that concerns the pin you don't want to use with pwm), in the Init code and the K-rate code.
See these two screenshots, simply remove the selected lines and save the new object with a new name in your library.


Thank you very much @Paulus. I gonna try if I get them work.