Pos in wave/play



I use wave/play to play medium long raw files (few bars). I want to be able to start at a given number of samples (ex: 175 000)

I am trying to edit wave/play to be able to do so but I don't understand how sdSeekStream works


does ((inlet_pos)>>4)<<2) represent a number of samples, buffers?

Increasing 4 to 6 to be more sensitive... prevented compilation.

What am I doing wrong?


I have to shift the inlet_pos three extra times to be able to use the full pot (128 values) and sweep all over my sample with comfort.

I still have no idea about the conversion rule.


I think the conversion is simple. Seems pos is just a ratio of the total sample length.... Not 100% sure but seems to work this way. It would also make sens, since the nature of pos.