@erminardi , this is with your Mini 32 attached directly to the Axoloti core? or are going via the PC?
anyway, I had to do some testing with my Virus TI (directly to the axoloti board) anyway, so I thought I try this out.
I had no issue with any patch EXCEPT organ..... (strings was fine)
I tried lots of rapid notes and chords etc, and all seemed to be fine.
however with "organ" I found id get stuck notes, especially if playing notes rapidly,
I tried chords on this and other patches and didn't seem to find this caused any issue
I also tried legato vs staccato but couldn't really see a correlation.
so the question is why this patch and not others...
well organ is taking a lot of cpu, ~ 89% so perhaps this is the issue.
but when I increased the strings voices to 10, this took it up to ~84% and this had no issue.
knocking the voices down on organ also seemed to make it stop hanging.
I will say sometimes it hangs quickly other time takes a bit of time so tricky to be 100% sure if reducing voices solved the issue etc.... all i can say is this is what appears to happen.
of course different usb devices have different buffer sizes so this could also play an influential role.
perhaps high cpu causes the midi messages not to be read frequently enough, this could be being aggravated by the fact we are processing the midi in messages within the midi "thread"
anyway just some thoughts/observations... as I had to test something else anyway