Playtronica TouchMe MIDI touch controller not working



Hey I just got this TouchMe MIDI controller that measures resistance rather than capacitance to send MIDI notes. I've been able to get it working on my laptop fine, but it doesn't work with the axo. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for it. Any help would be super appreciated. When I plug it in, this is what comes up in the log:

USB Device Attached
PID: 4293h
VID: 20A0h
Address (#1) assigned.
cfg desc: num interfaces 2
interface: interface 0, num 0, numep 0, class 1 , sub class 1
interface: interface 1, num 1, numep 2, class 1 , sub class 3
endpoint: interface 1, ep num 0, addr 1
endpoint: interface 1, ep num 1, addr 81
Manufacturer : Playtronica
Product : TouchMe
Serial Number : N/A
Enumeration done.
This device has only 1 configuration.
Default configuration set.
Switching to Interface (#1)
Class : 1h
SubClass : 3h
Protocol : 0h
USB Host Output size requests : 8
USB Host Input size requests : 8
USB Host Output connected to 1 : 1
USB Host Input connected to 1 : 81
MID class started.

Here is a link for it:
It looks like it's sending power to the TouchMe, but it's not recognizing my touch on the main pads that send the notes. I can, however, touch the smaller buttons to change the note and scale, but that's it.


Have you tried adding the MIDI monitor object to an empty patch to see what data is coming in from the controller?


Yeah I did and it didn't seem to be sending anything. Nothing came up in the log.


maybe the data comes in at a different channel or port. not sure if the monitor object is able to show messages as well, if the channel or port is not set correctly


Hey @imtheslime,
We did some tests with TouchMe and Axoliti at Playtronica and we were also not successful in making it work. Not really sure why, since it works with all the other platforms and it is programmed to be recognized as any other MIDI controller.

It would be really nice from your side if you share here (and with Playtronica) if you eventually find a solution or workaround :slight_smile:


Hello !

I'm trying to make my Touch Me work with axoloti too.
Could you share some technical details about the Touch Me ?
Why does it enumerates two usb interfaces ?

I'm considering buying an USB to MIDI adapter too, but it would be better to make it work right away.


Honestly, I don't know a lot about the technical details (I didn't code it).
I guess that is something related to the driver. I have other (and more conventional) MIDI controllers that also do it.
From what I talked with other people in the team, it really some weird incompatibility.
The USB to MIDI adapter may (unfortunately) be the best option.


For anyone wondering, I ended up buying an USB midi host by Kenton, which works perfectly. If anyone wants to work on making this kind of device compatible with axoloti patcher, I can help.