No, Axoloti doesn't handle wave files, and stripping headers (or resampling etc)
there are a couple of reasons not to do it in the firmware:
- to get the correct offset you have to parse the header ... = cpu usage when you load the file.
- @johannes has mentioned something about SD card formats and the blocks sizes, meaning you'd be reading at an inefficient block start. (badly explained, but its detailed on the forum somewhere )
I think the preferred approach, would be to have the axoloti UI actually 'convert' the file, as it is uploaded to the SD Card, so the 'effort' is only once at upload time, and the board doesn't have any overhead.
(this could also later extend to other things, like resampling from 44k to 48k)
if your doing a large number of files Id recommend using ffmpeg from the command line, a quick script and you can do thousands of files in seconds
I dont really find this much of a bind frankly, as often I have to resample the wav files anyway, so this can all be done in one step.
like anything, first time, it takes a while to figure it out, but after than it becomes very quick.