Pitch shifter with soundtouch library feasible?


hi there,
maybe @johannes... :slight_smile:
would this https://www.surina.net/soundtouch/index.html be a candidate for an axolotiobject?
or is it too heavy cpu wise?


Looks like quite a lot of code for just one object.

Don't know about cpu performance, hard to judge by just looking at the source code. Might work as they reference small computers like the raspberry pi.


Time stretchable table playback would be the bomb :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


a quick look at the code shows its mainly using doubles, and the FPU on the stm32f429 is single precision only, so that's going to be a potential performance issue - perhaps the doubles could be made single precision only, but its likely this would cause a number of issues with overflows etc.
also optimisations are only for SSE and MMX, and not NEON.

as @janvantomme said though, its a bit 'suck it and see', perhaps it might work (and leave enough for the 'rest of the patch' , but perhaps not... on the up side, it doesn't look like it would be a lot of effort to get it running.

(there may be other issues with memory usage etc, but I didn't look that deeply.. also it may be some CMSIS functions could be used to improve performance, again that's probably best done once you have the basics running)