today after some weeks pause the patcher with verison 1 didn't compile anything anymore. i tried many many things until i found out the reason was the linux os. it has overtaken the patcher. it did run but now not anymore. it does though on old linux 10. maybe update the software?
Patcher on linux - Debian 11 not supported anymore?
What errors do you get in the console?
The patcher is a Java app, so it should run fine.
Compilation is done with the GCC compiler for ARM processors, all those files are included in the axoloti_runtime folder.
well yes...but it seems related to the 32bits etc libs which seem all at higher versions now...
there is no java error ( the red?) i am now back on linux 10 for it to work...i will later post the error...
i found it:
Compiling patch... with /opt/Axoloti/app/firmware BDIR = /home/user/axoloti/build\ FIRMWARE = . make: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Ziel „/home/user/axoloti/build /xpatch.cpp“, benötigt von „/home/user/axoloti/build /xpatch.bin“, zu erstellen. Schluss. shell task failed, exit value: 2
the beta version runs..but for me not an option right java seems not be the reason...
I also wonder what you mean with "linux 10" and "linux 11".
The Linux kernel is on version 5.x right now.
The patcher works fine on my Debian 11 system, anyway.
sorry i never use other linuxes than debian...kernel is latest from backports. linux 10 (as the grub screen tells). debian buster, linux 11, debian bullseye. as i wrote it did work but after a recent update it stopped working. ( no kernel upgrade) it does work (with buster) on my other installation. if i firmware upgrade to version 2 it works under bullseye (at this moment no option because many patches form v1 are not working under v2)
There is nothing preventing the patcher to run on debian 11, maybe try reinstalling the axoloti software?
I use the v1 patcher and firmware, works just fine.
of course i have tried that..more than one time...which kernel are you running + stock debian software repos? ...maybe ..which "distribution" setting in synaptic?
but actually i moved back to oldstable where everything works fine...still lts support until 2025 or such...
So, while the patcher works, indeed compiling is an issue. I see the same error and it looks to me like there is a space in the path that shouldn't be there.
Trying to figure out where this path is set and maybe try to tweak it.
for me the "patcher" also includes that one can have patches compiled + uploaded for to make music later...I if all goes well) ...but weird if that extra space was the reason as it startet to go wrong after an os-update..not an axoloti-software update...
I managed to "fix" this by modifying the file /opt/Axoloti/app/firmware/Makefile.patch
by changing the line:BDIR=$(subst $(SPACE),\ ,${axoloti_home}/build)
To instead simply say:BDIR=${axoloti_home}/build
It's not elegant, and maybe there is a better way, but clearly this substitution is not correct with newer make
I hope someone with more knowledge can comment on this and give a better solution.
Missing math.h?
i remember something a while ago when experimenting with netpd the recent version would just not run on debian buster...the programmer went into it....and the core of the problem was the debian "dir" command had a new different default location (?, i am not a programmer...) by that it would cause an error in netpd related "else" lib...he fixed by modifying "else" then worked...