Patcher object: Multiple instances of the same object edited the same time?


Is there a way of copy a "patch/patcher" object several times inside a patch, in a way that if I edit inside one, edit will be effective in all copies? (an alias copy or something like that)
I know making a sub-patch will have this effect but patcher object is much more friendly to work with.


What are you trying to accomplish. Polyphony?

A subpatch and a patcher is the same thing, only thing is that the patcher saves it with the patch. Not like subpatches that has to be saved on its own But the two things are essentially the same.

WHat you could do is just make a copy of it and make identical modulation inlets on both of them and just connect a dial to control the filter of both of them at the same time.

But again not sure what exactly you want to do.


Sorry I think I didn't explained enough...
Imagine I make a sub-patch inside the Patcher object an then I copy it several times inside my main patch...
This copies will be identical to the first but independent. If I I need to change the structure inside them, I have to make it in each of them (one by one), or make the changes in one and copy it/connect all again.
I was thinking if there is a way of copy it, in a way the copies are not just clones.
When you edit a sup-patch (.axs) this edit will have effect on al the places you use it and this what I would like to make with the patches Object


I see what you want, but it's not there. As far as I am aware this is also not possible in pd and max.

How could such a link be expressed visually in a patch?


I think it should look as it looks now but with some symbol in the name to distinguish. just when you push Edit or update in Any of the copies this have effect on all the "clones" because they are in fact the same sub-patch.

Anyway if is not there is not a big deal you can do mostly the same with subpatches just a little more hard to edit. (don't want to stress at all)


I can see the requirement, one of convenience ...

I think the solution perhaps is making what we have, sub-patches, less 'inconvenient'... we have already discussed some ideas for packaging AXP and AXS together which might help on this... and I think we all agree the editor and save state could be better. (e.g. when you save a subpatch, inlets/pararent params should be updated on any open patches that are using them) ... but of course, this competes with other ideas/features needing to be done:)

having more variations increases complexity, and intimidating for new users... and I like the conceptual clarity of embedded and separate.