"or" function for integers/floats?


How would i go about merging float or integer inputs?

Specifically i'm looking for a way to merge "note" and "velocity" values from 2 sources to 1 output. The trig/gate i can do with a logic "or 2"


You can use math/* or math/+ or one of the mix 2 objects. Depends on what you want to do with the signal.


i want them to alternate each other without affecting the other value.


Alternating between two values automatically can be done with a square LFO and a mux 2 object.


yes, but now have it switch when a signal is output from a source.

see it as having a sequencer running and wanting to play notes over the sequence.


The logic/change and logic/change speedlim objects can generate a trigger when the incoming value is different than the previous one. So this might be an option.


yes i'm playing with change and latch objects, sending a trigger when a value moves. The problem is then translating the otputs from the change objects to 0 or 1 to swing a mux object.

Actually i'm running in to the same problem there; needing to merge an incoming 0 or 1 value from different sources to a single input.


i'm just wondering if i'm missing something blatently obvious?

I'm referring to the functionality of a midi merger, which must be buffering incoming signals from multiple sources then outputting sequentially(depending on time of arrival).


i managed to make a midi merger using the internal midi. My main patch disconnects when i try to take it live, but if i isolate the setup it works. This merges the internal keyboard notes with a hosted midi keyboard.


Maybe the int Or is equivalent to "maxinum" object in math?
With it you will have the maximun value of two ins (good for velocity)