Hi all,
I picked up a project I started some time ago. I am using Opendeck fw on a STM32 board to make an nrpn midi controller.
see post https://sebiik.github.io/community.axoloti.com.backup/t/opendeck-board-and-fw/7126
EDIT: for clarity the opendeck stm32 is connected via the extra midi input via pin PA3.
I experience some strange 'noise' when I don't smooth the output of @DrJustice 's nrpn object. I have made a short movie to clarify.
The movie starts out with the sound of the smoothed (oddly on value 0 it has effect?)nrpn to an osc. Next you'll hear the sound of the unsmoothed nrpn output. When listening on headphones the difference should be obvious...
Has anybody had the same experience? Or is the output of the Opendeck STM32 just noisy? All in all it is ok when smoothed but I just want to understand what is actually going on...