Not receiving enough voltage


So it appears that my board isn't receiving enough voltage, it was working earlier but has not stopped. At first I thought it was my mac so I plugged it into a powered USB cable that was working earlier and the same thing happens. The red led flashes.


I have received one similar report.
The reported voltage is incorrect, the voltage is likely just fine, but there seems to be an initialization issue.
Will try to identify the source of this problem shortly.


I think i have a similar problem now. This was introduced after i reconnected microUSB cable. I tried to re-flash firmware in dfu mode then and it did not helped

Could it be bricked theoretically with not accurate microUSB cable connection? Maybe i shorted something with my fingers? I also noticing that board is warmer near the ADAU1361


whats happening precisely?

the board just flashes the red led, and never goes to green?

when connected to PC/Mac, does it show the axoloti device ... in either DFU or non-dfu mode?
does this happen all the time?

when you say you tried to re-flash in DFU mode, what happened? did the Axoloti enter DFU mode (no leds), was it shown on the PC/Mac as being in DFU mode? what happened when you tried to transfer?

(Im sure @johannes will come with suggestions, but useful to get some details on exactly whats going on)

note: I re-flashed, reset (by pulling out microUSB connector) the prototype board 100s of times when I was doing work on USB host mode, with no problems, so I think its unlikely/unlucky if this has caused you an issue.


Board flashes red led while green led lights constantly.
Windows sees Axoloti Core. And in DFU mode it installs winUSB driver.
While in DFU mode Axoloti doesn't light any leds. Flashing in resque mode goes well and then, after this, it starts blinking red led again.
Axoloti software shows device and connects to it. It shows also this: 5V: 0,19V VDD: 0,13V in red. It also goes Live but with no output and CPU indicator shows 0%

Start compiling patch
BDIR = C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build
rm -f C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.o C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.elf C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.bin C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.d C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/ C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.lst
arm-none-eabi-g++ -nostdlib -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -mcpu=cortex-m4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -falign-functions=16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -fsingle-precision-constant -Wunused-parameter -DCORTEX_USE_FPU=TRUE -DTHUMB_PRESENT -mno-thumb-interwork -DTHUMB_NO_INTERWORKING -mthumb -DTHUMB -std=c++11 -DARM_MATH_CM4 -D__FPU_PRESENT -H -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/CMSIS/Include -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/ports/common/ARMCMx/CMSIS/include -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/ports/common/ARMCMx -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/ports/GCC/ARMCMx -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/ports/GCC/ARMCMx/STM32F4xx -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/kernel/include -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/hal/include -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/hal/platforms/STM32F4xx -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/hal/platforms/STM32 -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/hal/platforms/STM32/GPIOv2 -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/hal/platforms/STM32/I2Cv1 -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/hal/platforms/STM32/OTGv1 -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/hal/platforms/STM32/RTCv2 -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/hal/platforms/STM32/SPIv1 -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/hal/platforms/STM32/TIMv1 -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/os/hal/platforms/STM32/USARTv1 -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/boards/ST_STM32F4_DISCOVERY -IC:\PROGRA~2\Axoloti\app/chibios/ext/fatfs/src -I. -Winvalid-pch -MD -MP --include C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.h -c C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.cpp -o C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.o 
! C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.h.gch
arm-none-eabi-gcc -nostartfiles -Tramlink.ld -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mthumb  -mno-thumb-interwork C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.o -Wl,-Map=C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/,--cref,--just-symbols=./build/axoloti.elf -o C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.elf
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.elf C:\Users\palkin\DOCUME~1\axoloti/build/xpatch.bin
Done compiling patch
Start uploading patch
bin path: C:\Users\palkin\Documents\axoloti\build\xpatch.bin
block uploaded @ 0x20011000 length 5928
Done uploading patch
Start starting patch
Done starting patch
Start locking
Done locking

Also area near OUT jack gets notably warm


Johannes is in the middle of debugging the problem, he just needs to created a modified firmware to find the error. However it has been confirmed as a Chip Initialisation error.


@kausto anything plugged in except microUSB? Could you locate the source of heat with your fingers? Perhaps IC3 (tiny 5-pin regulater right behind the line output jack)?
Shorting with fingers, very unlikely, fingers are not conductive enough.


Currently nope. When problem appeared there was also insert cable jack plugged in OUT

Yeah it seems so.


Excuse me. Any news on this?


Dealing with this in private messages, to avoid people trying all sorts of things to solve unrelated problems.


have the same problem ...hoping it can be solved . greetings Reinhard


Got it fixed, send a message to johannes and he'll be able to help you


Hi there, I also have a similar problem. Months ago I did something very silly with an external power supply and blew up both IC4 amp and U3 DAC (resulting in a direct short between VDDC and GND). This caused the IC3 regulator to get very hot and the red LED to flash on powerup.

I only use this axo core board for MIDI and GPIO, so I decided to try clearing the short with carefully calculated violence :stuck_out_tongue: now U3 and IC4 are unpowered, the IC3 regulator doesn't get hot, and the red LED doesn't flash any more. Wheee!

Unfortunately the ressurection is only partially complete. My axo core board is back from the dead, but only half-undead. :sweat_smile:

The editor reports "5V 0.25V VDD: 0.16V" in red. Attempting to make a patch live reports "Generate code complete Disconnect request."

With an external voltmeter I read +5V on appropriate testpoints, VDDA, VDD, and VDDC are all at 3.2V.

I read in this thread that there may be some initialisation code in the firmware that could help.
What should my next step be to resurrect the my not-quite-zombie axo core board?
Thoughts and ideas greatly appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:


I got the same problem and IC3 is really hot!.
How may it be fixed?