Hey there
I just got a few days ago an Axoloti from a friend. One of my aims is to do some simple MIDI routing, so I don't have to spend money on something more expensive. I tried a few hours to get where I want, but honestly I can't make it work. At least, that's not unexpected
Here's what I want to do:
route the MIDI channels 1-8 of the USB host to the MIDI channels 1-8 of the USB port
route MIDI channel 12 of the USB host to MIDI channel 1 of the DIN out
route MIDI channel 13 of the USB host to MIDI channel 13 of the DIN out
route MIDI channel 14 of the USB host to MIDI channels 14, 15 and 16 of the DIN out. This one should be polyphonic.
Btw I'm not familiar with the programing environment used to create objects, Does anybody have some advice?
Have a nive day