Need help to understand how to store & re-use tables


so, i avoided using tables for 2 years because i don't understand them, but seems like the time has come.

at the moment, the question is:

how can i make a table, store it and re-use in another patch?

help patches don't give any insight about this, because all tables there are generated on the fly and are not stored anywhere.

there will be other questions too.


Not in front of the patcher, so the basics from memory:

To make a table you can use table write type objects, and you can read the data using table read type objects. Rbrt has some good ones for various uses.

If the table is the always the same data you can write the data as an array (a table is basically just an array) but I don't usually do this so i'ma bit fuzzy there.

Once data is in the table you can save it to the sdcard using a table/save object.

Then you can load the table in another patch by using a table load object referring to the same path you saved to. Some of the tables let you put the file path directly into the table object, and it will load that file when the patch runs so you don't have to load it manually.

Tables are worth the learning curve, I use them a lot for presets and sequences.

What are you wanting to use them for in this instance?


i have Launchpad Mini Mk1, which does not have SysEx methods for lighting LEDs.

i want to use it to control various things, and want it to display some visual feedback.

i found some existing object for that, but since there's no help patches – they are hardly usable for anyone but authors, so it's better to make my own.


The existing ones are really good, depending on what you want. Great for toggling on and off bits of the grid.

I might have a simple patch that explains them a bit. The code baffled me at first because it uses some math to translate the pads into sequential order and I didn't get what was going on.


seems like i've found simpler approach for this particular task that will take me a few days, not weeks or months…

will return to tables a bit later.


made some progress )

but i know tables are inevitable when i want to store the state.

also, rbrt's help patch for launchpad objects turned to be not so scary as at the 1st glance, and really helped me to understand how tables work.


Hi @chaocrator,

Tables are obviously super helpful when patching in Axoloti. I made a simple patch to understand how it works (see attached). The only tricky thing for me is converting int to f when storing values but I hope my patch will help...


Y-Tables.axp (6.9 KB)


Tables is essentiel in coding. No way around it.

Don't ignore it anymore, it's not as hard as you think :wink:

Good luck!


this is awesome.
a really clear tutorial that i missed.

i don't mind learning tables, but in this particular case — not instead of jamming.
Korg NTS-1 is incredibly powerful little synth, but needs some kind of MIDI control surface to make full use of its potential. so i wanted to have working solution ASAP.

also, NTS-1 does not have patch storage. that's where tables are really really inevitable to build a workaround.


I understand, hehe :wink:

Its very easy getting caught up in this technical stuff and take attention way from the music.

And yeah it makes perfectly sense to make a control surface for that one. Personally I make all my control surface stuff in Pure Data instead. But yeah that needs some kind of computer in the set up that can actually run Pure Data. I did make some control surface stuff for Axoloti but eventually moved all that stuff over to Pure Data, I'd rather keep the Axolotis for actual instruments/making sound than using it as control surface.

Tables are generally good for all kinds of stuff, like presets, wavetables, sample playback, etc. They just have so many use cases. Once you know about tables, you will start to think in a another way and get more out of your patches.

It was the first thing I dove into when I got the Axoloti.

Anyway, good luck with it all, I am sure you can make some cool control surface for the NTS-1


there's one more thing where Axoloti rocks: parameter modulation.

once any parameter in external synth is MIDI controlled, i can have all sorts of modulators for it — sequencers, aux EG of any complexity, LFOs with totally weird waveforms, stacked (FM style) LFOs, morphing LFOs, and any combinations of that all.

and controlling all this fancy custom stuff with generic MIDI controllers.

and doing it all standalone, without a computers with some generic OS, where generic implies unreliable.