I'm working on an instrument that is aimed at finger drumming.
I have two area's with sanwa arcade buttons.
The bottom row o the left is for playing synth sounds and the one above that is to pla ghost notes for the drums.
The three black buttons will be used for effects or switching but that's not sure yet.
The area on the right has the drums on the bottom row , some more synth sounds above that and again three black buttons for effects or switching.
Then i have 11 dials to control filters , effects , pitches , envelopes , etc... but that's still to be decided.
I use a teensy for extra inputs that go via usb cable to the axoloti.
The teensy also has the advantage of having a debouncing program in the code.
The axoloti is used for sample playing and effects.
I will probably add another axoloti because playing all those samples and then adding effects is a bit too mutch for one axoloti to handle.
Right now the box plays the drum and synth sounds and the black keys switch sample sets , the rest will be added when i figure out what i want to do.
Still having trouble playing a synth sound on different pitches because i get some lofi distortion when pitching up or down.
I'm using jaffa his table2 object with a table/play pitch object.
I have a problem with lighting too.
I added two green leds inside that would pulse with the bpm because i thought it would light up the box through the transparent knobs and white plexi but the green leds are hardly noticable.
Anyone have any idea's?
Stronger leds maybe?
Do they even exist at 3.3v?
I will add some lettering and stuff too later on when i figure out what everynthing will controll.
When i'm a bit more comfortable with finger drumming i will add a video but i need a lot more pratice.
Special thanks to janvantomme for the laser cutable axoloti frontplate.