Mutable Instruments CVPal w/ Axoloti?


I'm trying to set up my Mutable Instruments CVPal so that it can receive info from Axoloti, using this patch to test it:

Looking at the CVPal online manual I should get the following when sending out to Channel 2:

OUT 1: Note CV
OUT 2: Velocity CV
GATE 1: Square oscillator playing the received MIDI note
GATE 2: Gate

I don't appear to be getting anything coming out of the CVPal. Is the patch wrong in some way or should be looking at the CVPal not being 100%? The CVPal is in the "USB Controllers" thread so guess someone has this working - any ideas @mnskll ?

Thanks for any help.


try changing the midi out device selection to usb host port 1


Ah, that's it!

So what is the difference between the USB Device Port and the USB Host Port? I guess it's that the CVPal is looking for a host device to give it instructions rather than a USB controller device?


USB defines "host ports" and "device ports", host ports are like those on a PC, rectangular shape. Full size device ports have a D-like shape. You can only connect a USB device connect to a usb host.

CVPal is a USB device...

(the USB standard also specifies an OTG ("On the go") port, that can play both roles, Axoloti does not support OTG)

There is also a MIDI USB Device port, your computer recognizes Axoloti as a vendor-specific device and a regular MIDI device, via the same USB cable. That way Axoloti can interact with regular MIDI software running on your PC.

Suggestions for clearer naming are welcome...


Great, thanks for taking the time to explain that. Very helpful.


I think it's fair that the Patcher sees the world from Axoloti's perspective, not the perspective of whatever it happens to be plugged into. (But I made this same mistake just a few days ago...)