
Can someone explain what this function does?

I'm wondering what the best way is to combine params (with knobs) and 'modulation' inlets that control the same thing, and wonder if MTOFEXTENDED() can help with this, as I've seen it being used for something similar in a library object.



Ah, I think the function may just be for working out the size of an oscillator phase-increment, for a given pitch input.


Make phazorFm play only one cycle

odd, I replied to this yesterday... but some network glitch ate my response :slight_smile:

the extended form is identical to the non-extended form, except it allows a range to -127 to +127 as input rather than the normal -64 to +64. (the actual table used by both runs -127 to +127).

its used since its common to sum inlet and parameters. (i.e. the param is used as an 'offset'), you don't have to do this, but this is the convention.

MTOF always (perhaps misleadingly) gives you phase increment, not frequency, but you can obviously calculate the frequency from it.
(however usually, you actually want the ph inc anyway)


Ah, thanks for the info.
