Module requests


something like this? :wink:

mixer, control module and stereo peak readout are to be found in my "mix" folder

the multimode biquad filter (m=LP/HP/BP, s=lowshelf/highshelf/peak) is to be found in my "filt" folder


Yes I know I can be done like that.... its that tall tower of control pots ...its just not a logical layout for an 8 channel mixer. As i said its more of a visual tidiness/ simplicity thing.


Looks interesting . will dive into playing with this next chance I get.


Since there are currently no layout options for object/subpatch controls, you're stuck with vertical layout.



you can also have a horizontal layout, that was my first try for the control modules, but then you have that big "empty" space on top of the module where the ins and outs are.. that's why I returned to verticle positioning and grouped the controls together per channel


i like the per channel thing, it looks nice and tidy.
i also really like the way it allows you to have as many or as few channels as you want.


I'm just thinking I'll go a bit further with that... would be nice to be able to set how many channels are actually being used.. so they don't need processing power if not used..


20 posts were split to a new topic: X/Y control in Patcher


try out my morphor, sculptor and table oscillators
4-voice morphing table oscillator coming up! (in the sense of the polyOsc I made this week)


A big chunk of the fun patching with axoloti for a hardware box, is trying to minimise the amount of controls and fine tuning them. While trying to make a "one knob to many knobs", I found it quite frustrating to calculate the right offset and scale for my signal conversions. So this is my dreamed object :
something like @DrJustice math/offset_scale object but with a kind of limiter too (like @janvantomme math/constrain )

you have one inlet, for your signal : x
and one outlet : X
2 dials for the input limits : a and b
and 2 dials for the output limits : A and B
if x =< a then X=A
if x => b then X=B

it would save a lot of time and allow just a fraction of a value to control a certain range of an other value
So if anyone has the time / envy for such an object, I'll be very thankful

Otherwise, my other dream would be to have an adaptation of the BBcut live algorithmic breakbeats module.
Mdsp @ Smartelectronix did a great vst adaptation for it some years ago : livecut .
I really don't know if it's feasible, difficult or too power demanding, but it would be a great addition to the glitchy module list (and finaly be quite close to @JeromeB sample/beatslicer object)


I'm looking into this, but I think many objects already have a parameter for offset corresponding to an inlet, which makes the output shifting redundant. So I propose this variation:

you have one inlet, for your signal : x
and one outlet : X
2 dials for the input limits : a and b
if x =< a then X=0
if x => b then X=64

I think it leads to better "partitioning" if you want to combine multiple inputs to a certain output range, you can use a mixer, connect a "ctrl/dial p" to the bus inlet of a mix for bias if needed. Or a math/*c for a single input when an offset parameter would be redundant.

Would that address your needs?


@johannes Yes I think it would be sufficient and I understand your solution very well. Thanks for looking into it.


just made a new module
scales the incoming signal to the min/max values set on the module. Clips if incoming signal goes beyond limits set by the inMin and inMax parameters and scales it to the range set by the outMin and outMax parameters.


Id like to request a complex "macro oscillator" like Braids. Or digital sound source as they also call it. Someting that can really change the sound drastically and give a lot of different timbres with just a few knobs.

Thanks :wink:


ah, you're just too late with your request...
fixed it yesterday.. check out the rubsik, rubisikTable and Ruby oscillators :wink:
and of course, dont forget "TheCreator" module (oscillator folder) to make a 1024 waveform wavetable in 30 seconds :slight_smile:


Cool, will look into the rub-oscs.

I am pretty much covered on the wavetable side already, but yeah, gonna test it anyway.



Hey :slight_smile:

I would like to request a mixer. I made one as subpatch, but I am confident that it is way more DSP friendly to build a custom object for it. Pictures and patch below. This one got a build in send effect, that is what the output is for. Dunno if possible to make that.


mixer.axp (16.5 KB)


I've just been working on a new "desktop mixer" with independent modules for the controls (so the mixer module won't be huge)
as of your request, I just added 2 send outputs
it also features panning for each channel and main volume output controls for the stereo and send outputs on the mixer-core.


I've just released the deskmix2 and deskCtrl2 modules


Hi. A request:)

A sampler module. I have a bunch of loopable jupiter 4 samples and i would like to make a virtual sample based model.

-Load X amount of samples into the module.
-Set keyspan for each sample.
-Loop mode on/off
-Loop point adjustment.
- A "nice to have" would be to be able to adjust loop mode= Reverse/back& forth etc.
-a "max" voice control (to mimick old 4 voice analog polys)
-Should have a FM input. Maybe even even per voice(?)
