Missing library folder - gao/stomp



I started hacking gao's eDrum Demo in the community library. I ran into errors trying to compile my changes, and when trying to reload the original there is now a missing folder: gao/stomp, so the biscuitage_m object can't be loaded.
I tried reinstalling without any success.
Looking on github I don't see any sign of this folder either.
Any suggestions?


not at home atm, but GitHub has a history, so you should be able to see when it was removed, and by whom... also that way you can actually get it back.


Thanks - I had presumed it was user error on my part but you're right, it was simply removed from the repo last year. (By Jerome on 04.09.19 if anyone else is looking.)


Sorry, I was unsatisfied with this stomp version. You can use gao/dist/biscuitage_m in place of stomp version. I'm going to update eDrum Demo patch.


No problem. I tried that before and it didn't seem to work but it's working fine now, so I must have misconnected something. Still not very familiar with the axoloti environment. I've also pulled your previous version out of the repository.