I realise this may not be what you are driving at, but it is easier to browse while being away from your axo and may stir some ideas
to respond to your actual enquiry, I am sure there is a lot of crossover in the basic factory objects and Nord modules, but it will be rare to find an exact port of them, the exception being toneburst/pattern/nmpgen3 which is a clone of the nord modular pattern generator, and a hell of a lot of fun.....
If you are just browsing and don't have a specific idea in mind that you want to implement, I often find it helpful myself trawling the communinty help patches and then the contributions thread ( https://sebiik.github.io/community.axoloti.com.backup/c/community-library ) to see what people have uploaded on a contributor basis, found a few hidden gems that way, that I don't think I would have come across by merely searching.....these allow the contributor the chance to fully explain an object, where the object browser may just be a few lines, you may find that objects are uploaded to be used together or with a specific patch in mind...just more information in general.
Hope that is of some use