MIDIbox and Axoloti MIDI thru


I'm sequencing my Sammich SID with my MPC, processing the Sammich in Axo and I found some strange behaviour when sending the MIDI through Axoloti.
I used the MIDI out script supplied in this topic: https://sebiik.github.io/community.axoloti.com.backup/t/axoloti-as-a-midi-usb-host/290 and modified it accordingly to only transmit the necessary stuff to me:

if (dev == MIDI_DEVICE_DIN) 
    uint8_t status_type = status & 0xF0;
    if ((status_type == MIDI_NOTE_ON) || (status_type == MIDI_PITCH_BEND)) 

This works fine, but it seems to override modulation parameters in the Sammich. When plugging the MPC directly into the Sammich, the modulation behaves correctly.
This is no major thing as I can do a lot more interesting filtering in the Axoloti, but curious nonetheless!

Can anyone shed a light please?


So your just filtering noteon/pitchbend from din in to din out and your saying, CCs are coming through?

It looks ok, are you sending data very quickly? wondering if some issue with threading or messages getting garbled.

If you use the keyb and pitchbend objects, does it work correctly ?


Yes, it would seem like CC is coming through but there's nothing on my MIDI monitor.
The regular keyb objects all behave the same way..

Not sending all that much at all actually, i have only a few legato notes.

This also seems to be unique to the Sammich, my Volcas' automation parameters aren't affected, although the machines do have different CC# for these parameters..