Hi, since i found the push axoloti scripts, i got really excited to use it as a midi controller for my squarp pyramid instead of a master keyboard. my friend is using my push so cant try this right now, But in general, i want to use the axoloti as an interface for the push, just notes, velocity and at, but i also want to make a midi controller for the analog rytms "performance control" cc's with the axoloti and some potentiometers on the analog inputs. and then i also want to use the axo as a synth of some kind, so im gonna route midi back to the axoloti from the pyramid.
so i guess this is pretty much possible,i know the pyramid can do what it needs to do, but been i while since i messed around in the axo so just looking for some input/fedback.
Could it be a bad idea to merge midi from the push and the analo in pots?