Midi/in/keyb note and zone not working like before


I don't know if this has anything to do with the new version (1.0.8), but when I use the midi/in/keyb note or zone objets, nothing works, but if I use the midi/in/keyb it does.
I managed to create a "note" version with a few objects, and it works well, but I don't understand why the other objects aren't working anymore (I've used them all the time before)

what am I suddenly doing wrong (the midi canal is the same) ?


I only tested key note and it works ok.

I will say its inconsistent , in that the note number has to be the MIDI note number not an axoloti note number.
as far as i can tell, this has always been the case... so I'm not sure its "not working like before"


I have some patches made in 1.06 that also uses the midi/in/keyb zone. They works flawless in 1.06. I'll test them and see if the result is similar to Mtyas.


ok I think I've found what I was doing wrong, as it was doing the same under 1.0.6 than 1.0.8, I looked further into the note numbers, and found that I need to use the midi note number and not the axoloti note number (as you said, silly me),

So sorry about that, It was my fault, I had lost the piece of paper with my midi note numbers written on it (older controller), and used the axoloti midi out number as reference (and didn't add 64 to it). So this is resolved, sorry about that