Midi DIN controllers, interfaces and circuits


I didn't find a place for this so maybe a good place to start...
All about midi DIN controllers, interfaces and circuits... OEM and DIY. Challenges and solutions.

I'll start with my knobBox project:
6 pots sending CC's
2 rotary encoders sending CC's
2 push-button toggles on the encoders for next/previous patch changes
3 funky push buttons sending CC toggles
1 real chrome toggle
1 stereo input jack for foot switch (programmed for 3 switches)
1 stereo input jack for swell pedal, pot, etc (breath controller)
2 status leds
1 Arduino UNO, 1 small case, a lot of wires
1 midi DIN out

know issues: none


Very nice. How did you program and wire you stereo jack for 3 switches? Thanks!


@jfcharles it is wired with 2 diodes so that the third switch simulates pressing both switch 1 and 2 at the same time. It uses 2 digital pins and ground. Do a search for "fs3x-wiring" and you'll see some diagrams... very easy to do. For the programming, I check the state of the 2 pins using an AND statement... ie. if 1 LOW and 2 HIGH (1st switch), if 1 HIGH and 2 LOW (2nd switch), if 1 LOW and 2 LOW (3rd switch).
I'm looking forward to using this with some looping and effects.


Great, thanks for that. I get it, so it's only momentary switches (I'm new to guitar pedals!)


yes, just momentary switches, for latching type switches you could just use 2 switches with the same result... 1, 2 or both on/off.