Midi clock pass thru and midi filtering



Im' trying to pass the midi clock from the midi din in to the midi din out, but I want to filter the rest of the midi data.
Is there a way to do this?
At the same time will pass the USB midi in to the midi din out. There won't be any clock coming from the USB.
Would I need/Is it possible to filter the clock signal out from the USB stream too?


MIDI thru box with filter

Hi, I think this should work


Actually, thinking about it, it won't filter out the rest of the data. If you take out the thru object it will send the clock to the din without affecting the usb stuff. What midi have you got coming from usb?


Midi usb is a novation launch control XL and I have a DX100 keyboard connected to the Axoloti midi in. A clock is fed to the midi in of the DX100.
this is basically to get the arpegiator in the axoloti to sync with the rest of my set up and send the clock out to some other synth together with some thru from the Launch Control XL.


I remembered i'd fiddled with a thru object for my setup so that it excludes two channels... So if your keyboard is only sending one or two channels that are different to the channels the launch control xl are using you could use this object to filter them out.

thru exclude.axo (1.9 KB)