Merry xmas (and a basic polysynth)


It's that time of year - when the 13th paycheck comes in and every company on the face of planet is pushing you to buy something. An easy time to get infected with GAS! I spent the best part of last week scrolling through lists of synths. But then I spent 5 minutes in a shopping mall and craved instead for the end of humanity.

So I dug up a crappy old digital organ I had in storage and dusted off the Axolotis, patched a basic polysynth and hooked it up to my guitar amp.

Best xmas present I've ever given myself, and didn't cost a penny!

Here's the patch for anyone interested, it's basic stuff but maybe of use to a beginning Axo user:
ORGAN_1.axp (31.6 KB)

Axo has played a big part in keeping/turning me in/sane this last year or two. Thanks @johannes for this awesome platform and everyone here in the forums. Merry xmas!