Max/msp gen~ on axoloti ?!


...just found this

supposently,they got to run max/msp gen~ patches on the owl...
but what about our AXO ? can it be done ?


I think the Owl runs on the same basic processor as the Axoloti (Cortex M4).

My instinct would be that only the most super-basic Max patches would actually run on the Owl though.

I may be wrong..



theoretically, yes ... as the gen can generate C code (and I think always has), so you could incorporate this into a custom object - of course there would be a questions of performance and also how to exchange inputs etc.

@toneburst to be clear, this is gen~ only , max/msp patches are not running on owl


I'm in contact with cycling '74 about this.
There is indeed a substantial difference between a gen~ patch and a regular max patch!


that would be sooo cool....lots of custom filters and so on..
(...but I guess there will be serious performance issues regarding floating point calculations ??)


That sounds cool! Looking forward to hearing what comes out of your discussions.



Hey whatever happened to this? Any max/axo/owl compatibility news since '16?


I'm also interested in this. Is there any chance of running a gen~ patch on the axioloti?