Making a clock divider


i've been trying to make a clock divider, but could not find a singular object to do this. (on pulse level, yellow)
like you do it on a modular synth. clock to divider, divider directly to envelope
or driving a CV sequencer at one speed, the next sequencer on /2 speed (and so on)

So: i've made this patch, but it seems a bit weird to do it this way. (and, it's not on pulses)
the divider cuts off half of the sequence, so i have made the sequence 2 times longer per division.
any other way to get this divider function?
clock divider.axp (4.3 KB)

Searching for a SLOW clock

To divide a clock by two, you can use the logic/toggle object.
To divide by other divisors, logic/counter is the right object, just use the carry output.


id have gone for a counter followed by a logic/decode/bin object ... no?
(but lots of ways to solve different problems, hence the fun of Axoloti!)


Would there be a way to control the division with a knob (entending to modify the clock for an arpeggio)
I'm using logic/counter and would like to be able to switch from division 3/6/9/12 with a controller.


This object could be useful (see object definition for explanation). Combined with a mux it should do what you intend, at least for three different divisions.

divider.axp (5.5 KB)


thanks @Captain_Burek but I can't load the object I get the message "Object name logic/triple counter and subdivider not found"


My bad. Should work now.


thanks @Captain_Burek, unfortunately it shuffles the clock and divide it, but only one setting works. :frowning:


I actually managed it like this

But its not really steady with the clock, it seems to have a bit of "jilter"


Not sure what you mean. Just downloaded my own patch and it works fine with different numbers. Anyway, the object is basically the same as what you did, just a little cheaper as it only uses one counter.


gonna try it again , but I was getting the clock to shuffle with the object.