I'm planning to code a high precision macro oscillator with lots of synthesis modes. So you'll only need one main oscillator for all your waveshapes.
If anyone has a wish or idea for it.. just name it. Though keep in mind that I want to keep the amount of controls as small as possible, like three parameter controls max (besides FM, PM, AM and multiple sync modes, which I will make selectable->max two audio-rate modulations which can be changed with external controls/sequencers).
So I'll just start off with a starting list, so I don't forget possibilities:
-64bit (or higher if it's possible) phase generators going from 20000hz down to minutes-long cycles. Internally usable as modulation.
basic audiorate modulations:
-2 mods max
-frequency modulations: exponential and linear
-phase modulation
-amplitude modulation
-sync (hard, soft, playdirection, wave-inverter, low/high position sync(soft backwards/forwards), step-offset sync.
-selectable parameters of modes.
modes' parameter control:
-3 external krate controls max (mode dedicated controls). For modes with more parameters, destination can be chosen.
-internally updated to 64bit audiorate&interpolated if controlling audio-rate settings.
-3x FM
-simple 3-oscillator additive
-dual-sync +phasemod
-3 osc FM
-......can't hold myself.. need to start.. haha