I opened my Oxygen 49 Mk III keyboard today to look at how much space is available inside, and found that there is the perfect space to mount the Axoloti inside. As a result I went through the process of creating a subpatch that will allow for easy connection of sliders, dials and buttons to future patches. The added bonus is that the keyboard is class compliant which leaves all of the IO on the Axoloti for future expansion.
Below is the subpatch file. Things to note include buttons 1-8 latch to either 127 or 0, All outputs below that are active high, button 9 is not implemented and program 6 is required to be selected for the CC assignments to be correct.
Oxygen Keyboard CC mapped.axs (46.0 KB)
Feel free to take this an modifying it to your specific controller. Set up some disp objects, watch the CC, and channel values and adjust accordingly.
M-Audio Oxygen Mapped CC's subpatch (easily adaptable)
Embed Axoloti within existing MIDI hardware (sequencer, keyboard, controller)
USB Midi Controllers
Has anybody made any enclosures with built-in keyboards?
That's good to know you could also add to this thread https://sebiik.github.io/community.axoloti.com.backup/t/usb-midi-controllers/19 The working Oxigene 49 as class compliant and a link back here
Hallelujah! I have the same keyboard and am planning an axoloti transplant for it, so this helps a lot!
I'm glad that it was of assistance. I'm looking at putting the axoloti inside, but haven't got to it yet. Let me know how you go.
sorry to revive such an old thread. I have an axoloti on the way and cracked open my uc-33e controller which seems to have enough space to mount it sideways with ports on the right side. I just need to work out how to incorporate standoffs above the uc-33's board to install it.
I'll let you guys know how I go.