Loud pulse first time a button is pressed


So i have this issue with either my patch or hardware, basically i've made a multi-fx patch, with hardware push-to-make buttons to cycle through the different FX, and ive got 2 banks of them in series. The first time i use those buttons after a patch goes live, i get a very audible clicking each time a button is pressed and for each effect, then after the first cycle back to 0, no clicking at all, very odd.
Was wondering if this issue was probably hardware side or patch side ?


Most likely on the patch side - but its hard to say. My advice would be to make a copy of your patch and gradually remove things until you have a minimal example that reproduces the problem with as little clutter as possible. Usually the source of trouble will become obvious in the process.
If not, post your minimal example here and I'm sure we can help you out.