Can anyone point me to examples of patches that use the Release Velocity parameter well?
EDIT: Disregard what I had posted before. I have been experimenting all day and have a good grasp of how the Release Velocity values work now. I'm just struggling to implement it the way I imagine. I haven't found any example patches that actually use the parameter yet. I'm interested in looking at any implementation, but here is how I imagine using it:
Ultimately I want to use all the dimensions of my MPE controller (Linnstrument) to control the envelope of a patch. As for the envelope:
Pressure: Main control of volume
Velocity: Adds a transient if higher than Pressure
Release Velocity: Increases release time if the value is low. In other words, adds a tail if you let go slowly.
I've tried this numerous ways now. I was moderately successful by using math/max to combine a transient envelope (based on Velocity) with the Pressure value, then using another math/max to combine that with an ending tail envelope (based on Release Value). Unfortunately, in making the "ending tail" envelope I had a lot of trouble dealing with the note holding before the release. One solution I tried involved subtracting the gate so that it would be silent until the note is released. It was hard not to have a momentary silence or a transient when the gate was released.
I imagine the right envelope object could solve this, but I've been looking through everything in the library and I don't see one that would work quite right. I basically need something where I can limit the maximum value for the attack based on the Velocity, but the sustain can reach a higher value than the attack did, because the sustain would be modulated by the Pressure value. I don't want to multiply the envelope by the Velocity, because then the Pressure would be limited by the initial Velocity value. I want to be able to, on the lightest press, have no transient and just fade in based on Pressure.
Sorry, this is a long ramble. Mainly just hoping to see what others have done with Release Velocity, so I can come up with better ideas.