Loading WAV-Samples dynamicly



I just have recieved my Axoloti two days ago and it's awwwsoooooome !!! :smiley: .. love it!! :slight_smile:

I have played around with the WAVE/PLAY-Object. Now I would like to switch the Wav-Samples dynamicly with the WAVE/PLAY FN-Object (the one with this pink string-inlet), but I just can't imagine how it sould work(?)

Lets say I have a bunch of samples on SDCARD:





.. now I would like to switch/load them on MIDI-IN or something. How would I do that, btw. what direction do I have to look to achieve that?


Use a string/indexed object for that. prefix should be set to sample_, suffix should be set to .wav. Best to rename your samples to use a 3-digit number, e.g. sample_001.wav.

It's also better to use .raw audio files, since .wav will give a small click at the beginning of the sound.


Dude!.. thanks a lot!! :slight_smile:

maybe one more question on this.. is it somehow possible to read/select the filenames of the samples stored on the SDCARD? .. and then load it to a WAVE/PLAY FN-Object ?


wave/play fn only supports one filename. Best to use wave/play with the string inlet.


cool :slight_smile:
will check it out! .. thank you very much! :wink:


I just can't get it working.. cann you tell me what i'm doing wrong?

I made this sub-patch:

when I do a string-dummy in here feeding the wave/play, it works.

but if I outsource it to the main-patch:

it wont start..


Has somebody a idea? I try hard, but I just can't manage to get it working :confused:


I don't know, and don't have time to test at the moment,
BUT.... I noticed @johannes submitted a commit for string inlets, so its possible he found a bug which he has fixed, but forgot to come back here to mention it.

as I say, Id have to test with the latest development version to confirm this.

if this is the case, then this will be fixed in 1.0.10 when its released.


Yes, string inlets/outlets to subpatches were broken, and fixed. Except in case of polyphonic subpatch inlets, I have not found an easy fix. String outlets of polyphonic subpatches have no sane use.


Nice, will check it out :slight_smile:


You can get rid of the clipping sound on a wav file by adding a control dial and setting it to 0.001, and connecting it to the wave/play "pos" position input. I'm currently working on an SD Card index / playback object. I'll keep you posted if there is success.


SD Card index / playback object, would be so nice.
I would love to control the playback position, so I can set some looppoints.