Live performance MIDI Sequencer for Audiothingies DoubleDrummer


I just pretty much finished another MIDI sequencer project, using the Akai MIDI Mix USB controller, in preparation of a live show I'm playing in October with VLK.

It's a drum sequencer for the Audiothingies DoubleDrummer, which I plan to load up with some fun percussion samples. The Axoloti sequencer can play six voices and for each voice, I can send even clock division triggers (/32, /16, /8, etc.) and "uneven" ones (just a bunch of custom divisions I like), based on a generated MIDI clock. I can also shift each voice's pattern, so that it doesn't overlap exactly with another sound, or plays between beats. On top of this (or actually below :wink: ), there is a fader which sets the chance for a random trigger to be sent to the voice on any MIDI clock pulse. This can be very off-beat, so I also programmed the right-most fader to quantize all triggers of all voices into even beats - again by using clock divisions like /2, /4, /8, /16, etc. The regular triggers and random triggers can be muted separately for each voice with the push of a button. Additionally, there's a chance-based sample randomizer which can load a different sample into a voice and I can control the DoubleDrummer's built-in master LPF, Crusher and Reverb.

This lets me create a very wide variety of rhythms quickly, by simply turning a bunch of knobs and depending on the master quantizer and random trigger chances, I can make sure that nothing bad happens ... or just a little bit ... or a whole lot of messed up rhythms :smiley:

On a different MIDI channel, there is also a random CC20 value being generated as well as a random (but lockable) melody, based on certain trigger combinations. I use this to add some additional (semi-)randomness to my AE Modular synth, which will also be part of the show, and which has a built-in MIDI-CV interface.

Here's a quick demo video:

... and pictures:


Very cool! Seems like it would be a lot more fun than linear step sequencing, with lots in more interesting results.


Thanks! I always felt like I couldn't be as spontaneous with the linear step sequencers on stage, without having spent a lot of time for preparation beforehand. Could be that I'm just bad at it, but this solution here definitely produces a lot more varied results quickly, although at the expensive of precise sequence control. But I don't need that anyway :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Was it hard to setup the midimix with correct cc's etc..
I have seen some go for real cheap, and I'm interested in getting one..


Yeah, the MIDI Mix is really great for the Axoloti :slight_smile: Cheap and lots of controls, plus LEDs which you can turn on and off by simply sending it certain MIDI notes.

There is a free editor for the MIDI Mix from the Akai website which is easy to use. I just set up the CCs for the controls sequentially, (1-8 from left to right, +10 for each row) so that they are easy to remember. I then route them to device specific CCs or notes (for the external synths on DIN MIDI) in the Axoloti patch.

What you can't change are the LED on/off note values, for example for the MUTE buttons (velocity 127 sets the LED on), and the special button notes (e.g. BANK LEFT), but those were easy to figure out:

Axoloti MIDImix LED MIDI note values

        1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8

Mute: -63 -60 -57 -54 -51 -48 -45 -42
Solo: -62 -59 -56 -53 -50 -47 -44 -41
Rec Arm: -61 -58 -55 -52 -49 -46 -43 -40

Bank Left: -39
Bank Right: -38

Button Note Numbers:
Bank Left: C#0 (25)
Bank Right: D 0 (26)
Solo: D#0 (27)


Sounds great. Are you willing to share your project? This is very similar to what I'm planning to do with the Axoloti.


Hey, sorry for the suuuuper late reply. I went into a different direction with the project as I figured that I could simply play back samples with the Axoloti too and not use the DoubleDrummer at all, which was more convenient.

I'm currently in the process of consolidating and sharing various projects of mine and you can find this project (with sample playback by the Axoloti) on my GitHub:

Adding MIDI sequencing into my Axoloti patch is very easy. Just scroll down to the sample player modules and exchange them for MIDI Out Note modules.