LFO Audio through full wave restifier into Axo analogue input


The subject practically says it all.
If I pass the LFO signal through a full wave rectifier, I will end up with a positive signal that I should be able to connect to an analogue input on the Axo.
Things I believe I need to be careful of,
- Ensuring I work to a 0v to 3.3V range.
- Protection against any voltage spikes.
- Keeping frequency well within the K rate.
The idea is to have a kind of crude external audio source that I can use as an LFO to work through the patch.

Has anyone tried anything like this ?


LFO Audio through full wave rectifier into Axo analogue input 


The rectifier will make the wave all positive like you want, but it will also flip the negative parts around so a sine wave for example, will come out as bumps and valleys. If you don't mind the waveform being changed, rectification will work. If you want the waveform to still have the same shape, you have to add a DC bias voltage equal to the inverse of the negative voltage and then scale whole thing down to the range needed by the Axoloti. For example, if the sine wave is +5v to -5v, you would add +5V to make it +10v to 0v instead, and then you would scale it down to the 3.3v range of the Axoloti.