Resources that can be useful for learning to code axoloti objects:
- good understanding of Axoloti!
- basic C experience, some C++ is useful later
- some DSP coding experience/knowledge
- xml (optional/useful)
- reasonable level of maths (useful, depending upon what you want to do)
as you can see, to create objects... you need a knowledge of a few things,
so first thing its be reasonable in your expectations, a novice programmer/dsp coder is not going to be programming filters/reverbs any time soon.... but there are lots of other things you can 'cut your teeth on'
(note: this is a wiki post so users can edit, and update with useful resources)
Axoloti resources
- here ... start with user guide
- links to useful threads?
C Programming resources
- K & R C book (bible
- tons on the internet.. good references?
DSP resources
- kvraudio forum - dsp programming section
- music-dsp mailing list
- - All You Can Eat DSP (check out the Free Books section)
- Julius Orion Smith III Home Page
- A good overview of oscillators: Digital Sound Generation
- DAFX conference proceedings and book
- Digital Audio Signal Processing book
- Digital Signal Processing Using the ARM Cortex M4 book
XML resources
- lots on internet, and you only need basics
Maths resources
- ???