Launchpad mini Sequencer setup (Sequencer controlled by midicontroller issue!)



Have been working on a sequencer where I can edit each step from an external midi controller. This works, see video.

But as you see when I go offline with the patch and go online again and start to edit a single step of the sequencer, ALL steps are turned off. Which is obviously not wanted, only the edited step must change.

I have tried a few things to fix it, but none of them worked for now.

Any suggestions are welcome :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

Here is the patch:
Seq Launch XL 2018 FOR COM .axp (4.3 KB)


this is expected behaviour since the prev variable is not initialised to the Controls before first execution and is therefore very likely to be not equal to that. since you cannot access parameters in the init section, you can do a little trick in the k-rate. see attached patch. i did not test it, so let me know if it works.
fix?.axp (4.4 KB)


Hey @lokki

Yes I kind of expected it too, but I just didnt understand how to work around it. I am thinking it is because all the parameters are updated at the same time, no individually, using the prev trick. So I thought maybe Ill try to use the prev trick on the individual toggle data instead. Not sure if it will work.

Anyway, thank you for the suggestion. I tried it and as far as I can see it didnt do anything differently.

Anyway, this was an attempt to use my Launch XL for sequencing, which I had set up yo use midi cc not midi notes. I think I am going to drop that for now.

I FINALLY went out and bought myself a LaunchPad mini MK2, which I am going to use for the sequencing instead and I need to set it up totally differently since it is based on midi notes not midi cc numbers.

BTW would you happen to know how I can read out the toggle of each step of the 16bin sequencer?

I can write to each step by using (1<<0) for step one, (1<<1) for step 2, (1<<2) for step 3 etc....

But the question is how can I do it the other way around, reading the toggles of each step and send their states to each of their own output?

I thought about that could just use 16 regular toggles lined up after each other, one for each step......, which would also fix the above problem with every step being reset....... but it seems a bit more clumsy doing it like that.

If anyone else has got nice set up for their Launchpads Id love to see how you set it up.