Java Class Family Tree


I am trying to understand the Axoloti patcher software. I wonder if there is a family tree overview of the java classes used in the software?


Javadoc is run when you do a build, so as you probably know this gives you a bit of an overview,
there are also various tools which can also provide this... actually most IDEs give you a 'class view' which does similar.

p.s. I'm moving this to the 'development' category, which is used for discussing the development aspects of Axoloti, rather than a 'user perspective'


I have not done any JAVA programming before, so your suggestions are very welcome to be able to dig in deeper into the Axoloti.


If your not familiar with Java and some related build tools , the easiest way to get familiar is to use an ide. I'd recommend Netbeans ( it's free) for Axoloti since this is used to edit dialogs.
Netbeans has all the usual features like navigating to definitions and find uses, so pretty quick to get around.
Axoloti is quite vanilla Java , as it doesn't use runtime instantiation , or RTTI much, so easy to get around, but there's quite a lot of code to get familiar with.


I downloaded and installed Netbeans and did my first build. It all seemed to work fine.Thanks for the suggestion. But I was not able to find the classview ... yet.