Jaffa's musical experiments w. Axoloti



Here is a piece of music I made. Could be much better organised, but it is a start. First generative/algortihmic track. I used 2 Axolotis for this and some custom wavetable etc.

Anyway here goes the Axoloti track:

This second one is released on a american record label called Drop Out Productions, and is not made with Axoloti, just thoughtI'd share it as a bonus :wink::

Merry christmas to everyone in Axoloti world :wink:


nice, like the vibe reminds me a little bit of Aphex Twin.

Arrangement wise I feel there could be more variation, changes in note density, timbre, elements popping in and out so that the arrangement gets a bit more dynamic.


Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

Yes I totally agree with you that it needs to be arranged better. Anyway, first version recorded, I'll probably record another version in the near future. Maybe also add a third Axoloti for some extra variation :wink: Need to get another USB to test for that to become reality first.


Since it is so poluar these days to post short clips of what you are doing here is another short one from me. 100% Axoloti, recorded with my Iphone 4S's microphone. No post processing;