Sorry if it's a dumb question but I don't find the answer by myself.
I'm doing a simple patch to control the clock of an Octatrack with a cc from a midi track.
So I send a cc with a midi track to the midi input of the axoloti, it modulates a square lfo who is routed to the "run" of a midi clock that is brings to the midi input of the Octatrack.
It works perfectly except for one thing.
The patch only works with the object midi/in/cc any, I plug the value output into the freq input of the square LFO.
But if I try to use the midi/in/cc object, I'm not able to modulate the freq input of the square LFO. I understand this is not the correct data (it's a cc data instead of a value data) but how can I use the value data ?
Thank you for the help !