Issue with tuning a sub oscillator 1 octave below the main oscillator


I would implement a sub oscillator to my patch, tuned 1 octave below the main oscillator and sharing the same knob (UI control), I tried with a div2 in audio rate and also in control rate but the sub oscillator isn't perfectly in tune, have you any suggestion? thank you very much

sub osc issue.axp (5.3 KB)


Hi again!

The blue pitch inlets are scaled like notes, so you need to subtract 12, not divide. Instead of the control rate div2 use a ' - c ' object with the parameter set to 12, that should do it. (And remove the audio rate div 2).


Hi @MattilynMattroe, my saver :pray:t2:
Ok, I understand, I didn't know the inlet pitch was scaled in semitones, very useful to know :metal:t2: I was thinking about frequencies instead, so divider :sweat_smile: Thank you very much