Issue with 2 of the 15 analog in


Hi there, I'm working on that project :

Yesterday, I've just finished my potentiometers soldering. So this morning I've tested them all. A problem appears in two analog in. The PC1 & PC4. All potentiometer works finely, all are connected to the VDDA and the GND just above. First I was thinking about my soldering, because I've put a female header on the axoloti, so I was thinking maybe pc1 & pc4 was beside, so I've made a bad soldering and they are connected together. But no, they are not beside. So it's not my soldering.

PC1 & PC4 find sometimes (not everytime) different value when I move the potentiometer. So I'm thinking of an internal issue from the axoloti board.

Can anybody help please ? Maybe I need to try to reboot or reinstall the firmware on the axoloti ? It's a new one V1.2 arrived last month. I use it with mac osx sierra 10.12.6

Thanks to all. :frowning:


What value are the potentiometers? They should be less than 10K for the ADCs to stay stable. Can you swap the working pots with the two not working?


Hi friend.

All of them are 10K. I've tried to swap the working pots with the two not working, and it works. It is not from the axoloti board.
So I've redo my soldering on these two, nothing changed even if I replace the cables. So I'm thinking of an issue from that two potentiometer. I'll buy two new one thursday and I'll see. Hope it's gonna work.

Thanks for your answer. :slight_smile: