Is there anyone who got the AKSO board ? i have a question!


i managed to get 2 of the AKSO boards when it was possible.. is there anyone else here who has it ? the akso forum is dead so im trying my luck here.. everything works fine with it except this: i have a sampler with the 'recording to a table' part in the main patch and the playback is a polyphonic subpatch.. in the subpatch i refer to the tables like this "../tablename" which work perfectly in axoloti, but on akso it just gives error and dont find it.

im really happy if anyone can help !

#2 using the Akso version of the patcher from zrna's GitHub?


i have two aksos as well and have exactly the same issues with subpatches and tables, I don't think it is implemented correctly in aksoland


Lots of other things are not correctly implemented, even early AI n, no solutions were provided...


yes. if memory serves me correctly the akso firmware was based on something between the stable axoloti firmware and the 2.0 (dev) branch, which also has all sorts of issues.

the logical (albeit very unsatisfying) step would be to make the necessary changes to run the stable axoloti firmware on akso...

it should be possible


If I recall correctly, Nick's reasoning was that the new microcontroller needed the newer version of Chibios as used in the 2.0 DEV branch.

Unfortunately, both Axoloti and Akso appear to be abandoned.



what are people using these days then ?
i really need to get some things done, but im not a coder at all, thats why akso/axoloti was perfect..

is there anything else as easy ?