Is Axoloti suitable for my project?


I hope I'm asking in the right place. I need a standalone device that simply starts working when powered on, for a simple project that will be embedded in a museum display. I've developed a proof of concept in Pure Data and am happy to port it assuming similar functionality exists in user-created objects, but I can't find a way of browsing these before purchase.

Here's what I want it to do:
1) Take a microphone input (would I need an external mic->line hardware amp)?
2) Track the pitch and, on a separate output, the amplitude envelope. Pd's sigmund~ object outputs pitch as midi note values but Hz frequency would be fine.
3) Use those with some fairly simple maths and threshold cutoffs to drive an oscillator (presently a filtered sawtooth)
4) Output that oscillator signal, with a little feedback suppression. The latter uses pd's line object to ramp down output volume whenever the volume is constant - is there an equivalent to line?

Are there equivalents among the community libraries to pd's pitch and envelope tracking in sigmund~, and ramp generation in line?
And would I need a hardware mic amp, and would Axoloti Core simply load this patch from the SD card and start working when powered on - once uploaded, of course!



  1. Microphone input works fine. There's an option in the audio input config object to boost the signal so an extra amp is not necessary.
  2. There is an object sss/conv/audio2pitch from the community library that can output pitch and kHz. An envelope follower object is also available in the default library.
  3. The output of the audio2pitch can be used to set the pitch of the oscillator.
  4. Possible, but I'm not familiar with PD, so you may need to create something using the math objects to trigger an envelope when certain conditions are met.

Axoloti can indeed load the patch from SD card on startup.


Thanks, this is very helpful. Time to order one, the fine details can be done in many different ways as long as there's a functional pitch detector and envelope follower.



yes, if you upload the patch to SD card and make it default patch