Hi everyone,
I recently joined the Axoloti Core community (being from a PureData background) and started working on a Moog Taurus Bass Pedal clone. I did a few iterations on Raspberry PIs in the past, worked great but the Axoloti Core is a much more elegant solution to me.
Now, I've got a nice patch emulating the Moog Taurus engine, it sounds pretty good. I've been using the "Ladder1" object from Jaffa. The filter is rather good but it is on the "conservative" side I would say. I totally understand why as the Axoloti Core doesn't have tons of CPU to spare. Ladder1 is based on the Karlsen ladder algorithm (from MusicDSP.org) and is very CPU friendly.
My Taurus patch consumes only 12-15% of the CPU so far, I'd be willing to "sacrifice" some CPU cycles to obtain a better Moog Ladder Filter implementation. Back in my PureData days, I used a port of Antti Huovilainen's implementation (called ~muug) which sounded really close to the original. PDF documentation here: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c490/4c04a7be1d675e360409178da71a1253f6d8.pdf MusicDSP.org examples here: https://www.musicdsp.org/en/latest/Filters/196-moog-filter.html
Researching further more on this topic, I found that there's a recent document on the subject, from Mister Dangelo (worked with Arturia and such) https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/bitstream/handle/123456789/14420/article6.pdf
Nowdays, I regret not listening in math classes! I'm a software developer, mostly a Python programmer and I know bits and pieces of C/C++. Used to do 6502 Assembler back in the Commodore 64 days, I can "decode" and hack my way around. But this is something else! I'd love to do this myself but it's a little over my head.
Copied Jaffa's object and tried to modify it, got no luck so far. Is there any one around who's willing to take a look at this and help a poor soul making his patch better? The community could also benefit from this... Say for a "Minimoog" clone?
Thanks in advance guys,
Best regards from Montreal,
Marc aka Khorus