Hi developer,
(if you're not a developer, please do not reply to this topic)
I'd like to invite you to make some contributions to the development of Axoloti. I selected a few tasks have a fairly bounded scope, and limited impact on the source tree, unlikely to interfere with other ongoing efforts:
Adding some sort of automated checks to git commits, through travis-ci or something similar. So we immediately get a notification when something breaks by a commit to the axoloti-factory library, axoloti-community library and the axoloti repo itself. There are already a few command line options in the GUI to run tests, like "-runAllTests", but this has not been deployed systematically.
Adding an index.html file to every axoloti-contrib/objects/username/ folder with a link to the relevant community forum topic. This is pure manual work.
Integrating a markdown-to-html java library to enable markdown formatting in comments and object descriptions. The "pegdown" library seems a suitable candidate.
Inital configuration of Doxygen for the firmware code, integration in the compile scripts, perhaps also auto-deploying the output to a github page or something.
More gpio-PWM-like objects, exposing more possibilities of the STM32F4' timers.
Pitch-tuned pwm generation, and precision timed one-shot pulses are the most common use cases I think.
This could lead to some hybrid analog-digital synthesis circuits with a few external components.Firmware: integrating generic HID support to USB host, for off-the-shelf usb gamepads, joysticks and other gadgets. This is quite a bit more involved than the other things here, and this is only extra "candy" functionality.
If you feel like taking on any of these tasks, or have something else in mind you want to contribute to, please give a shout (reply here, or PM), so redundant efforts can be avoided.
Thank you!