Installation on non-debian Linux?



Received my Axolitis last week but I've only just had time to look at getting them up and running, and I'm quite frustrtated to see that (unlike the demo, which was dead easy to get up and running) the Linux software is distributed in .deb format, so not of much use to me on Arch Linux. I'm feeling a bit like I've been sold a dud!

A quick google found this git patch which would supposedly allow me to build the software for Arch Linux (my systems are all Arch), but it wasn't merged into the master: - could it be merged or is it now out of date? I don't understand git so I can't say whether it would work.

Otherwise, how do I install on Arch Linux, or any other Linux for that matter?



did you try to install from source?
what was not working?


I have now managed to build from source using the git clone mentioned above, after a few false starts. I'm not sure that it would work from the git Master, since somebody bothered to make an Arch branch. I could try, I suppose. At least that way I'd be up-to-date.



The is made for debian as well, so that wouldn't be very useful.


Exactly my point. The modified (/pull/208) detects Arch linux and does something different. I couldn't find an Arch package as the end result, I'm just running from within the build directory.


if you read the PR comments you will see why it hasn't been merged, we had a couple of concerns... after all once its merged, users will expect (understandably) for it to be maintained and supported...

unfortunately, we didn't get any response from the original author.

I guess we have to now decide if to take the 'hit' now, and do the additional work required, the issue is , I don't have Arch Linux installed... so thats even more effort required to get it working!

please also bare in mind, there are lots of flavours of Linux, supporting all of them is just impossible.

note: you could of course go to authors repo, and pull this one file, if you want to just use it as is.

EDIT: final note... if you look at the, you will see all it does is get various packages and then build them, so for other variants of linux its not too difficult to do this manually.
once the packages are all built, the all the 'day to day' scripts of Axoloti should work with any flavour of unix. (assuming a reasonable sh implementation)


ok, to help out, here is a copy of the file... on dropbox until we decide what to do with it smile

as i say its not supported, it is as it is, since I've not tested it, nor have the ability to - sorry.


Of course, the ideal would be to have a PKGBUILD hosted on the Arch User Repository (AUR). This was, in fact, the first place I looked. I'm not sure I know enough to do it, though.


I just ran the compile scripts in platform_linux and it worked without issue on Arch.


I have merged the ArchLinux commit, and updated it to include gcc-arm-none-eabi and build the patched libusb and dfu-util. This does not deal with the creation of an ArchLinux packages, only with a source build.

I have no ArchiLinux installed, so I can't test. Feedback welcome!


Hi, I'm happy to make my first contribution to the community by packaging axoloti for ArchLinux. You will find the packages axoloti-git and axoloti-runtime-git in the AUR.


Any chances to see the needed packages available for Void Linux ?


i strongly suspect there are very little to no chances, due to unique Void Linux packaging system.
i also suspect that extracted content of .deb package, once placed in the Void installation filesystem, might just work for glibc version.


So I might just try to extract the .deb package and see if it works like this... Or using another distrib. If I knew how to make the package under void i'd do it. Maybe later

Why not make a flatpack or a snap ?