How to use windows object to remove clicks?


Hey :smile:

I sometimes get some clicks when using the table/play object. When retriggering "start" with lfo/sq for example. I read in here that I can use a window object to remove those clicks and that I should look in example 22_overlap_add_shifter. And I have checked it out, but I am not sure I understand what is going. My usecase is also different, so I tried to set it up for what I need instead.

Does this set up make sense at all? This is just an example, but I just want to make shure I am setting it up in the right way.

Thanks :wink:


No, that's not the right way, you made some sort of distortion, use an envelope with some attack time to suppress the clicks.


Ha, okay :smile: wasnt going for distortion. Will try with an envelope that is triggered from the same signal that the "start" is triggered from. That might do the job. Will test the idea. Thanks :wink: